by Captain W. E. Johns



V.                    BIGGLES MAKES A RECONNAISSANCE  (Pages 41 - 48)


Biggles receives Ginger's news with concern and Li Chi with anger.  Li Chi suspects that Tamashoa had sent Pamboo to which his movements.  Biggles taped a cigarette thoughtfully on the back of his hand.  "It seems certain that we shall not be left here in peace for long".  Biggles decides to go up and see Major Marling.  They borrow a boat, a kabang, from the Salones, a tribe of inoffensive natives, sea gipsies who wander from island to island.  Before they set off, a Japanese Mitsubishi naval flying boat arrives to do photographic reconnaissance of Elephant Island.  Algy and Bertie return in the Gosling bring paint nails and brushes.  The kabang is readied for the trip to see Major Marling and Biggles and Ginger go together with Li Chi and Ayart and three natives, two men and a small boy.  When darkness arrives, they set off.