by Captain W. E. Johns



IX.                   AYERT GOES ASHORE  (Pages 74 - 82)


Ginger awakes to find that the engine of the Lotus has stopped and the boat is drifting through grey river mist.  Biggles tells Ginger that a radio has been buzzing morse and Li Chi has picked up a signal from Victoria Point recalling the Lotus to base.  The Lotus pulls to the bank and Ayert goes ashore in search of information from the Chinese labourer's quarters not far from the estuary.  Ayert is gone for an hour.  When he returns he brings news that Pamboo was responsible for the attack on Shansie and that he has told the Japanese that Li Chi is on Elephant Island where British officers have now arrived in an aeroplane.  It is also known that the sawmill is working again and that Li Chi is building a new junk to take away a large store of rubber that he has amassed.  Worse news is to come.  The Japanese plan a landing on Elephant Island and have a ship called the "Sumatran", a coastal supply vessel of a thousand tons, to take the troops over.  The attack is planned for tomorrow night.  Biggles says they have plenty of time and plans to capture the "Sumatran".  They can then use her to help shift the rubber back to India.  The launch continues on its journey through the estuary.  A voice hails them in the darkness and Li Chi bluffs it out.  The launch says out of the estuary into open sea and almost collides with a ship - the "Sumatran".  The launch makes for a sheltered cove on Elephant Island.