by Captain W. E. Johns



XI.                   BIGGLES TAKES TO WATER  (Pages 106 - 116)


Biggles sleeps badly, if at all.  Ginger's fate weighs on him.  He is certain his is being watched and rising with the approach of dawn he finds Scaroni holding a rifle but dozing.  At any moment, Biggles fears Algy and Bertie will arrive or Gontermann will insist on an answer to his proposal which Biggles knew quite well, was really an ultimatum.  Biggles looks at the oasis and notices one palm has almost fallen over, the sagging fronds hanging within three feet of the surface of the pool.  Biggles uses this to get over the mines around the oasis and slip into the water.  He then uses a hollow reed to go under the water and breath.  Before he is even in the water, he is missed and a search begins.  Biggles remains submerged, rising on occasion to see what is happening.  He is not discovered.  He hears Gontermann say, in German, in a voice raised in anger, "So! He's gone, but he will not get far.  He will die in the desert.  Say no more about it.  Let us go".  Both Renkells take off and the villains leave.  Biggles is now stuck in the oasis surrounded by a thick minefield.  He uses he hands in the soft wet sand at the edge of the oasis to find mines and lift them out.  On getting out, Biggles sees a figure sneaking around in the distance and is delighted to discover it is Ginger who is alive after all!  Ginger is on the edge of the minefield and Biggles is able to warn him and get him to retrace his steps.  Biggles is surprised to find that Algy is there as well and they tell their stories.  Berties has been left with the plane about five miles away.  Biggles says "the best way, perhaps the only way, to stop this racket is by finding the base aerodrome and wiping it out.  That would cut off the petrol supply".  Biggles send Algy to go out to Bertie and fly the machine back but Algy returns alone and on foot.  Bertie and the plane have both gone.