by Captain W.
E. Johns
(Pages 120 – 130)
This story was unique to this book and never published elsewhere.
“Biggles strode into the Operations
Room at Air Police Headquarters, laid his portfolio on the desk and turned
sombre eyes on his three police-pilot assistants who were having their
‘elevenses’. “You can give me a cup of
that,” he said wearily, “I need something”.
Biggles says that “Of all the crazy affairs that have come our way this
one is the tops”. “There are, in the
R.A.F., two flying officers by the name of Glibb –
Charles and John. They are twins”. Biggles explains that both are night-bomber
pilots and survived two operational tours.
Charles, is, or was, Mess Secretary on his Station and a surprise
inspection by an Air Ministry accountant revealed a sum of money missing from the
safe. Charles admitted taking it and is
under close arrest. John’s reaction to
this “appears to have sent him off his rocker”.
“Three days ago he took off in a Halifax, with
full tanks, and a load of bombs on board”.
He did this before the crew got on board. Later he issued an ultimatum. If his brother is not released forthwith,
with a guarantee that the prosecution would be dropped, he will unload his
bombs on the Aircraft Establishment at Farnborough. “Nuts!” murmured Algy. “Absolutely nuts”. No one has the remotest idea where Glibb has parked himself and the Halifax. When he flies over on Saturday a green light
will indicate that the ultimatum has been accepted. Biggles has seen John Glibb’s
medical history and it isn’t too good.
Twice his nerves have nearly cracked and he had to be laid off to
rest. Now, “his brain has cracked and
he’s gone round the bend, poor chap”.
His aircraft, ‘V for Vixen’, has an endurance range of four thousand
miles. “Which means that it might be
anywhere between Timbuctoo and the North Pole”.
Even if radar picks him up when he takes off, “the Air Ministry will
think twice before it knocks down a machine loaded to capacity with high
explosive. Suppose it fell in the middle
of a town?” Biggles thinks they need to
back track over Johns Glibb’s career to find a place
he has visited, somewhere remote, where a big machine might be put down. Biggles spends the rest of the day reading
the relevant portfolio, ignoring lunch, but finds nothing. (A new paragraph starts after a break). “The following morning, Friday, the last
clear day, found Biggles still sitting engrossed over the docket. “It was late in the evening when he looked up
and said to Algy “I’m afraid it’s clutching at a straw but you might as well do
something as sit there twiddling your thumbs”.
He passed a slip of paper. “I
want you to take the car and go to this address in Knightsbridge. Mrs. Glibb – that’s
the mother, and next of kin – lives there.
Find out, discreetly, where John used to go wild-fowling”. Algy sets off and returns in two hours with
the answer “Aucherlocherbie” (a fictional
location). “It’s in the north of
Scotland”. The name rings bells with
Biggles and he makes enquiries. “The
place is in Sutherlandshire. It was a hush-hush bomb experimental depot in
the war. The name caused so much trouble
in signals that it was changed to Fargo.
The station was one of the first to be abandoned at the end of the
war. Biggles says they will go there now
in the Proctor and he and Ginger will parachute down. (A new paragraph starts after a break). “It was the dark hour before dawn when the
Proctor, having refuelled at Kinloss, arrived over its objective. Biggles and Ginger step out into the void. They land at the old base. “It is doubtful if there is any picture more melancholy than that presented by the disintegrating
hutments of an abandoned camp. In this
case, time and the weather had done their worst. Doors hung awry on their hinges and empty window-frames
stared blankly, like sightless eyes.
Roofs of felt and corrugated iron had been torn off by the wind and lay
where they had fallen, giving the place an appearance of having been
blitzed”. Biggles and Ginger advance
towards two large hangers. One is empty
but in the other they can hear the sound of a man crying. Biggles advances on him and then flashes his
torch at him. The man sprang to his feet
in surprise. “All right, Glibb, take it easy,” said Biggles quietly. “Who are you?
What d’you want?” came the reply, in a voice as taut as a banjo
string. “We just waffled along to see
what you were doing, that’s all,” replied Biggles casually. “Have a cigarette?” He offered his case. “I suppose you have come to arrest me” asks Glibb. “Oh, I
wouldn’t say that,” returned Biggles carelessly. “Of course, you’re behaving like a silly ass
and your Station Commander is in a flap about it. No wonder.
He’d liable to be torn off a strip for losing a machine”. Glibb asks about
his brother then says he had no intention of bombing anybody, really. He has no bombs. He dropped them in the sea on the way
there. Glibb
explains that his brother took the money for him. He lent it to a friend who had got into debt
and didn’t pay it back. Glibb would have put it back himself from his next month’s
pay. They agree to go back in the
Halifax. Glibb
tells them “If I could face the flak up the Rhine for a couple of years I can take a little thing like this”. “That’s the spirit,” commended Biggles. “Little remains to be told. The twin brothers, whose affection had led
them into trouble, faced a court-martial, as was inevitable. But in view of the circumstances, and the
fact that the money was repaid, taken in conjunction with their war records,
the court took a lenient view and they suffered nothing worse than a severe
reprimand. It was, as Biggles told the
Air Commodore when they returned to the Yard, just one of those things”.