by Captain W. E. Johns


14.   THE UNEXPECTED HAPPENS  (Pages 145 – 154)


“When Ginger took off in the Auster from the Podbury Flying Club ground he had acted on impulse, without thinking seriously of what he was doing and the possible consequences”.  He had heard Thompson say there was only half an hour’s petrol in the Gipsy Moth.  The Moth had not switched on its navigation lights, leaving Ginger to wonder if it was equipped with them.  The Auster has lights but Ginger does not switch them on because that would make him conspicuous.  The Moth heads south and Gingers keeps a comfortable distance just behind and below its tail.  Ginger remembers his radio and is soon in touch with Algy back at Scotland Yard.  He tells him what is happening and asks for it to be relayed to Biggles at Podbury.  Lazor’s plane changes direction and Ginger reports that back as well.  As they pass over Hampshire, it rings a bell in Ginger’s memory and he recalls that Twotrees Farm with its big field was Caine’s private landing ground.  The lack of fuel must be causing Lazor anxiety as a forced landing in the dark would be difficult with such hazards as overhead power cables.  Ginger sees the Moth make a sharp turn and lose height.  Ginger is able to make out the isolated farm with its two conspicuous trees.  Ginger resolves to follow the Moth down and land at the farm, as there may be a supply of petrol at the farm and he can’t let Lazor refuel and escape.  “What did happen was something quite outside his calculations”.  Ginger sees Lazor overshot the field and go round again and then do so again.  On the third attempt, Lazor tries to land, he overshoots and crashes in the trees.  Ginger gives the information over the radio and then lands the Auster and taxies up to the crash site.  “Strange though it may seem his concern now was for Lazor.  How badly had been hurt?  This was the natural reaction of one pilot for another in danger”.  Ginger makes his way through the broken branches.  Vaguely in the gloom he sees a man trying to get out of the wrecked plane.  “Okay,” he said.  “Take it easy”.  “The response took him completely by surprise,  although it may be thought, the man being what he was, there was no reason why it should.  Lazor snarled like a wildcat cornered by dogs.  Ginger saw his arm go up, and with it the flash of steel.  Instinctively he ducked, at the same time, stepping back, and the blade of Lazor’s razor missed his face by inches.  Ginger falls backwards and Lazor scrambles out of the cockpit on the opposite side.  “Livid with anger Ginger shouted; “You dirty swine,” and started after him”.  Lazor then fires a pistol shot at Ginger and that brings him to a halt.  “This was no place to tackle an armed man.  Indeed, it was practically suicidal.  Ginger takes a moment to think what to do.  “Clearly, Lazor must have recognized him – he may have seen him through the window of Thompson’s office at Podbury – and hearing the Auster land would guess he had been followed”.  Ginger worries that Lazor might try to steal his plane and decides to return to prevent it.  “One thing was evident.  Lazor may have been shaken in the crash but obviously he had not been seriously hurt.  He was on his feet, and could be expected to fight his way out of the position in which he now found himself.  Ginger did not know what to do next”.